- クエストアイテムの所持数を無制限にした(ページ切替方式)
- クエストが作動したアイテムは、色をつけてわかるようにした
- クエストアイテムで現れる敵はレアの設定をやめた
- 一定条件下で発動するスキルは、条件を満たしていないときに「No Effect」の表示をするようにした
- ヴァンポロスのクエストに続きを追加した(ブリームの子孫がいる森にヒントあり)
- iPhone版のリリース
- アースガルド大陸にクエストをさらに追加
- スキルを「レベル数をポイントとしてユーザにより選択して強化する方式」に変更
- セットで効果を発揮する装備を追加
Hello! I'm Osshy!!
Today, version of Apple Jam 4.3 (aka: Tommorow) now.
The changes are as follows!
And, it is what you are thinking in the future of the plan. (Implementation and time undetermined)
Since the change skills and set equipment that affect a wide range, I think release and not at the same time. Skills and new quests will be the same timing.
In it to end undigested quest, please look at the good dream
The changes are as follows!
- It was an unlimited number of possession of a quest item (page switching system)
- Items quest is activated was to understand by colored
- Enemies appear in the quest item quit the setting of rare
- Skill to activate under certain conditions were such that the display of "No Effect" when it does not satisfy the condition
- We have added more to Vampolos of Quest(There are hints in the forest there are descendants of Breem)
And, it is what you are thinking in the future of the plan. (Implementation and time undetermined)
- iPhone release.
- Added more Quest to Asgard continent.
- Change skills "method to enhance is selected by the user the number of levels as a point".
- Add equipment to effective in set.
Since the change skills and set equipment that affect a wide range, I think release and not at the same time. Skills and new quests will be the same timing.
In it to end undigested quest, please look at the good dream