- 移動を邪魔していたアイテムの反応範囲を変更
- スキルの詠唱時間を全体的に短縮
- NPC同士の戦闘でアイテムが落ちる問題の修正
- アイテムに関する説明文に補足を追加
Hi, it is Osshy.
Today, Apple jam is now version 2.0.1
The basic specification has not changed from 2.0, please refer to here If you want to know the 2.0 changes.
This time you have a bug or adjustment become a main.
Change reaction range of items has been disturbed movement
Overall to reduce the skill of casting time
Modification of the item fall problem in the battle of the NPC between
Add a supplement to the description about the item
It is plain (^ _ ^;)
The time being I think followed by such sober content.
Since the theme from version 1 to version 2 was "ease of use",
Theme from version 2 to version 3 I think that will be "clarity".
It does not have as usual growth number of downloads at all, because I want to to good thing is not crushed, but please play!
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Hi, it is Osshy.
Today, Apple jam is now version 2.0.1
The basic specification has not changed from 2.0, please refer to here If you want to know the 2.0 changes.
This time you have a bug or adjustment become a main.
Change reaction range of items has been disturbed movement
Overall to reduce the skill of casting time
Modification of the item fall problem in the battle of the NPC between
Add a supplement to the description about the item
It is plain (^ _ ^;)
The time being I think followed by such sober content.
Since the theme from version 1 to version 2 was "ease of use",
Theme from version 2 to version 3 I think that will be "clarity".
It does not have as usual growth number of downloads at all, because I want to to good thing is not crushed, but please play!
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