- アイコンを変更した
- ペットの歩速を主人公と連動する様にした
- ペットの攻撃可能距離を伸ばした
- 昼と夜を表示するようにした
- 友好度が高い相手に攻撃をする時に一度だけ警告をだすようにした
- 地面タップによる移動でターゲットを解除するようにした
- 経験値ポーションの効果をアップした
- 戻るボタンの位置とサイズを見直した
- メインタイトルに絵を挿入した
- 家からでると無限ループに陥るバグを修正した
- Tipsのマップに関する説明がおかしいのを修正した
- マップ表示時に無関係なボタンを消した
- 酒場を追加した
- 酔っぱらい機能を追加した
- 装備、道具作成用素材の収集ができるエリアを追加した
- ダンジョンを追加した
- 職業別の必要ステータスを色つけした
- ペットのHPを主人公と連動するようにした(実質の強化)
- 友好度がある程度低い時もクエストが進行できるようにした
- 魔法系、ペット系の職業は有利になるエリア攻撃を追加した
- クエストアイテム(護符)の金額を下げた
- ペットがコロシアム入れないバグを修正した
- アリーナは追加効果装備が出る確率を上げた
- アイテム作成画面を追加した
Hi, it is Osshy.
Today, Apple jam is now version 2!!
So, it is immediately details!
This is a change is quite large
It is heaping.
Since this has been the focus adjusted for ease of operation, it is the part that you would like you to feel all means.
Although it is dungeon you are adding, for beginners, it was placed one in Bream grassland.
People of advanced users also, but please try to contain what your feel!
Version 2.0, please try to play!
Download ↓

Hi, it is Osshy.
Today, Apple jam is now version 2!!
So, it is immediately details!
This is a change is quite large
- It changed the icon.
- The walking speed of the pet it was set to work with the hero.
- It was stretched out attack distance of the pet.
- It was made to display the day and night.
- only once when the friendship degree to the attack in high opponent was to issue a warning.
- It was made to release the target in the movement by the ground tap.
- It was up the effect of experience potions.
- We reviewed the position and size of the Back button.
- We have inserted a picture on the main title.
- Fixed a bug that is exiting from the house fall into an infinite loop.
- It was Fixed explanation about the map of Tips is funny.
- Map it turned off the irrelevant button at the time of display.
- We have added a tavern.
- We added a drunk function.
- Equipment, we have added the area that can be the collection of material for the tool created.
- It added the dungeon.
- It was wearing color the occupation of the necessary status.
- The HP pet I have to to work with the hero. (Strengthening of the real)
- Quest also when faction is low, it has to be able to progress.
- Magic system, pet system of occupation have added advantage to become area attack.
- It lowered the amount of quest items (amulet).
- Pets it has fixed a bug that does not put the Coliseum.
- Arena raised the probability that additional effect equipment comes out.
- It has added an item creation screen.
It is heaping.
Since this has been the focus adjusted for ease of operation, it is the part that you would like you to feel all means.
Although it is dungeon you are adding, for beginners, it was placed one in Bream grassland.
People of advanced users also, but please try to contain what your feel!
Version 2.0, please try to play!
Download ↓
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